The growth and success of our creative economy in the Village would not be possible without the help of many. To become more involved or volunteer at events, check out the following work group descriptions and e-Mail info@createwaunakee.com if you are interested in volunteering!
Culinary Promotion – A work group dedicated to helping promote and highlight the variety of culinary arts that exists in our community. Different culinary based events currently being discussed include a small festival similar to “Taste of Madison” featuring dishes from area restaurants, a progressive dinner where citizens travel from restaurant to restaurant for different courses and a restaurant week where restaurant feature specific items at lower/fixed costs to allow attendees to try a variety of different things.
Cultural Awareness – The intent of this work group is to bring light to the diverse culture that exists in Waunakee. This group is responsible for “Waunakee is Home,” a series with local residents from different backgrounds about their culture and what they love about calling Waunakee “home" and other culturally driven programs and opportunities.
Waunakee Artisan Market - Heading back for it's 3rd year, this completely artist run and community focused market held at Schumacher Farm Park gives local artisans a chance to show and sell their work for a minimal fee, and provides opportunities and scholarships to local students. Each year features music, food, drinks and over 40 selling artists, including many students and local artisans who have never attended shows before.
Live from the Park – A yearly summer concert series at Village Park that runs on Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks. This event features various bands and food carts and is geared towards the entire community. The 2023 season will kick-off mid-June!
Innovation Center Collaboration –The Waunakee High School Innovation Center features many different STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) focused machines and opportunities for the students (and our community) to engage in endless possibilities. This group is focused on helping plan for and promoting community awareness and use of this space in addition to what is offered to students.
Community Art Projects - Beginning with a Chalk Wall and progressing into a community mural, this work group aims to bring more public art and meaningful murals into the community. The most recent mural project was a full community collaboration dubbed #strongertogehter53597.
Imagination Celebration – This is an event that has been held and hosted by the Village three times in previous years. The event features creative people and businesses from our community all in one place. This gives an opportunity for community members to explore and learn about the creativity that exists in Waunakee. Planning for the next event takes many months and the hope is to expand the offerings to include demonstrations and other performances from our talented community members.
Wisconsin Regional Art Program – WRAP (WI Regional Art Program) is a program originated by the UW-Madison, and currently supported by the Association of Wisconsin Artists. This is an educational based program that encourages nonprofessional, student, and emerging artists aged 18+to create and exhibit their work at regional exhibitions across Wisconsin. Exhibitions include a demonstration/workshop from a professional artists, and artwork critiques by a knowledgeable judge. We will be hosting our 3rd Waunakee WRAP Exhibit in April 2023 at the Waunakee Public Library.
Waunakee Artistic Youth Showcase (WAYS) - In order to include our local students during our yearly WRAP exhibit, we created WAYS for students ages 5th - 12th to exhibit their work alongside other community members and receive recognition from the Village President and complimentary participation in our WRAP Workshop.
Art on Main – This is a yearly Public Art Project which is headed into it's 9th year. Each year, 10 participants are given a steel cut-out to create a weather-proof piece of art which can be displayed along Main Street for the summer. These pieces are then auctioned off in the fall to raise money for the Endres Mfg. Foundation and Create Waunakee.
Open Mic Sessions – This work group coordinated live music “pop-up” opportunities and stories/poems/literature readings at the Library. The most recent project involved hosting Facebook live events on the Create Waunakee Facebook page during the COVID-19 crisis.
Chalk Walk – The Waunakee Chalk Walk is a yearly event held in Village Park which has multiple aspects. There is a chalk drawing competition, a color walk/run as well as a DJ and other various activities for families. 2023's event planning is underway!
Want more information about Create Waunakee? Send a message!